Friday, November 13, 2009

Black hair dye?

I really want to dye my hair black.. but I'm afraid i wont be able to reverse it once i want to change it. I've dyed it plenty of other colors before but never dealt with the black... any suggestions?

Black hair dye?

I have some because I've dyed my hair black before and it is currently black. If you leave it in long enough and wash your hair normally it will fade completely into a dark brown. When its that dark brown color you can dye it again or leave it. trust me, thats all you have to do with it.

Black hair dye?

If you MUST ( and I don't think you should) use a non-oermanent dye that will eventually wash out.

Black hair dye?

well......i would make sure your really sure you want to before you do any big changes. But make sure your skin color isn't too light.!!

Black hair dye?

Fist get your hair dyed with a washable dye then you can wear it for a couple of days to see if you like it if you don't wash it right out.

Black hair dye?

If you want to try black get Clairol's Hair color glaze with NO PEROXIDE NO AMMONIA - it will wash out eventually. I used it and it came out in a week. If you use a semi permanent or permenant hair color your going to be stuck with it for a long, long time or until it grows out. Black is one of the hardest colors to wash out.

Black hair dye?

I don't recommend this. My roommate did and she couldn't get her hair back to it's normal color. After trying a removal it turned orange and I mean orange!

Black hair dye?

you should just get a rinse in black so that way it will come out the more times you wash your hair and the more it grows...thats the best thing i would do.....u can test out the color n see if u lke it but dont but anyother color until all the black comes out because it will turn your hair green

Black hair dye?

make sure you think about it when you hair dye is the most difficult color to change.Ive dyed my hair black and it was really difficult for me to go back to my natural blonde hair.

Black hair dye?

How about avery dark warm brown instead? No? Ok...if you do it and don't like it...Sally's Beauty Supply has something called "Color Out" (or something close to that)...have that on hand in case you don't like your new color. It takes all the dye out of your hair. I've used it and it works.

Good luck.

Black hair dye?

Black is the best color for hair of course if your light complected but it is very hard to go light again so think about it.

Black hair dye?

Reversing any dark hair dye is a considerable job...even for professionals. A lot depends on the strength of it. Be aware, if you don't like it, there will be damage done to your hair removing it. If you are naturally lighter...say blonde...the black dye may not take completely the first time its applied. Much depends also on the product used in dyeing. Also consider your complexion coloring. Will black look good? Are you willing to keep the roots colored each month? Just some food for thought. Good luck.

Black hair dye?

If you have short hair then why not, you can just grow them out once you tired of black. But you right there is no reverse. I dyed my long hair in black and guess what that long lenght i have is hard to grow out to just cut the black portion off. SO trust me unless you dont care of you have to cut a lot off once you tired of it and let the rest grow out then yea sure you can dye it, but not in other cases trust me. You talking to a right person when it comes to black dye. People might tell you you can bleach them and dye them lighter shade once you tired of it but can you imagine how much you will damage your hair to bleach them and then dying them lighter shade having no guirantee it is not going to show up orange or green? I dont think you want to do it to yourself.

Black hair dye?

I would suggest anything from the Clairol product line. However, dyeing your hair black isn't the best

choice. You should try medium brown or dark brown in a semi-permanent formula instead.

Black hair dye?

uh oh..same probem with me. im naturally a light blonde and i died my hair black before. oh god...did i regret it. i am so lucky to have my cousin as a professional hairdresser too. because DONT listen to what the package many washes it comes out..etc. see..color cant lift color. you cant die ur hair black and then buy a light blonde color then expect ur hair to be bleach blonde after black. nope. black wont come out until you get your hair stripped (or chemicals that remove the dye from your hair.)...and i know it sounds like "ohhh miracle". not really...wait till i tell you how much it costs

about...$200 or more

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