Friday, November 13, 2009

Can you use reg. hair dye to highlight your hair.?

I have a bottle of reg. hair dye, and the tool for the highlights, can you do that? if so will it look o.k. I have dark brown hair and strawberry blond hair dye.

Can you use reg. hair dye to highlight your hair.?

I asked the same question to my hair stylist (because I can't bleach my hair since I've had it straightened). He said no because my hair is dark and to have a highlight effect they need to bleach it a bit which would damage my hair.

Can you use reg. hair dye to highlight your hair.?

nah! you can't because you need bleach to high light your hair won't work ,

Can you use reg. hair dye to highlight your hair.?

sure you can i do it all the time.its cheaper then buying frost kits and it works. Just be careful you dont get to much in 1 area..and red with brown and strawberry blonde will look really pretty.kind of a triple streak.let me know how it goes

Can you use reg. hair dye to highlight your hair.?

Oh my word that would look majorly cool. You should do it, I don't see why it wouldn't come out good. I think it would definitely go well together. You really should try it.

Can you use reg. hair dye to highlight your hair.?

You can, but you may need a special cap with holes to pull the strands of hair you want to highlight. First, you must see the strength of the product to see if it can lighten your hair to you desire.

Can you use reg. hair dye to highlight your hair.?

It will give you some highlights, not the same as if you were to use a highlight kit or bleach. But sure it will more than likely give you highlights a couple shades lighter than your natural color. Depends on how much lift the developer has, like 10 vol, 20 vol, 30 vol, or 40 vol. Most regular kits give you 2 shades of lift. Its hard to say withouth knowing exactly what you are going to be using, but thats the general idea

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